Saturday, October 24, 2015

the heart of the matter

some wise beings who collaborated with the wind to keep me awake and alert so I could ponder the heart of the matter during the entirety of one September night on a high mountain pass in Colorado.  see the heart?  

From an ancient group of wise beings comes The Four Fold Path to Truce (aka Peace)...  

1) show up

2) pay attention

3) speak your truth (I always add, to remind myself, speak your truth in a way that can be heard, speak your truth in the most effective way possible {sometimes gentle humor helps}, speak your truth from a place of respectfulness and notice if the urge to speak up is motivated by lovingkindness or from a desire to feel righteous - this is part of paying attention, ^see # 2, above.)

and lastly, the part I most often need to remind myself of....

4) be unattached to the outcome

If I do these things ^, it is way better than feeling like I have "won" an argument.

Gratitude to Angeles Arrien for introducing me to The Four Fold Path in her cross-cultural book, "The Tarot Handbook," which has been a guiding force in my life for many, many years.  also, gratitude to Tammy, for introducing me to that book so many years ago.
